2025 DATE: Friday, September 12th, 2025
Gather on Broadway, Green Bay, WI
What is the Grove Gala?
The Hope & Olive Grove Gala is our largest fundraiser of the year! It is a formal event (black tie suggested) and pre-purchased tickets are required at the door. Tickets can be purchased individually or as a full table sponsorship.
Although we change some things up each year, we do keep the main details fairly consistent with the gala; there will always be food, a cash bar, speakers, a silent auction, music and FUN!

What do you do with funds raised at the Gala?
The funds raised at our Grove Gala cover the costs for our recipients to receive two restorative tattoo services at no cost (their initial appointment as well as a touch up). Each recipient is allowed one service in the areas of eyebrows or NAC Restoration (Nipple/Areola Complex). Hope & Olive has a network of artists to help our recipients in Wisconsin, so the available services can vary from artist to artist. The funds we raise help cover the supply cost for our artist to provide the service, as well as a flat rate for their service. Although not required, many of our artists choose to donate a portion or all of their reimbursement from Hope & Olive right back into our mission.
Over $72,000 has been raised from 2022-2024 at Grove Gala Events!
How can I support the Grove Gala?
There are a variety of ways in which you can support our Grove Gala! With Hope & Olive being a 501(c)3 organization, the below donations are tax deductible!
Table Sponsorships
Table sponsorships are available, ranging from 4-10 attendees and $500 to $5000! Our attendees love getting all gussied up for a night out with friends, family and coworkers! Sponsors also receive recognition on our social media outlets, our website, on our gala programs, as well as on a visual display depending on sponsorship level.

Individual Tickets
If a full table sponsorship is not for you, we would still love your support with an individual ticket! Come with a friend, family member, spouse… whatever works for you!

Specific Needs Donation
We are always looking for businesses or individuals to support our gala with goods or services! Below is a general list of what we look for each year:
- Table linens
- Table decor (centerpieces and/or flowers or greenery)
- Printing (programs)
- Music
- Silent Auction items
- Photographer
- Videographer
- DJ/band
- Invitations
- Open donation (to be used for any gala expenses)

Setup/Cleanup Volunteers
Getting all of the Grove Gala details in order before guests arrive requires some helping hands! Setup is typically about 3 hours before the event, so if you are able to help us with setting up for some or all of it, we would be very grateful! Likewise, we could always use extra help in cleaning up at the end of the night. Cleanup typically goes pretty fast, so if you have about 30-45 minutes to spare before leaving the gala, let us know!

Hope and Olive Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. All tickets and sponsorships are considered donations made to Hope and Olive Inc., and are tax deductible. You will receive an automated receipt for your records if you choose to purchase online.